Level 1

Allison Seghetti

Allison is the first female certified mondioring decoy in the United States under the current USMRA certification program. She is the only woman to decoy in a mondioring trial in the United States to date. She is a full time attorney, competitive Crossfit athlete and mondioring competitor and decoy.

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Ryan Maciej

I first started decoying while at The Michael Ellis School in 2015. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from a number of extremely talented decoys and trainers who have fostered my work to being a safe, challenging and appropriate decoy. I’m currently certified as both a Mondioring and French Ringsport Level 1 decoy.

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Roberto Cabero

Hi! My name is Roberto Cabero. I have been involved in protection sports for the last 4 years. I started with IPO (Schutzhund) and now I’m involved in Mondioring and French Ring sports. I Certified as Mondioring Level 1 decoy in March 2017 at Mondioring Nationals, it was an awesome experience and I look forward

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